Kick-off Delmoges

La Rochelle Université La Rochelle, France

The Delmoges project has started and the kick-off meeting took place in the presence of all partners at La Rochelle University. You can watch these presentations again ici. For more information, see the press releases : sur le site de La Rochelle Université sur le site de l'Ifremer  

DelGOST Campaign

Golfe de Gascogne , France

Scientists from the Delmoges team went to sea on a 40-foot catamaran to collect samples for the project. After 3 weeks at sea, they were able to observe 8 species and perform blubber and skin biopsies on common dolphins. They also collected water samples for environmental DNA analysis and made acoustic recordings. To see photos […]

Delmoges Days

Nantes , France

Ifremer Nantes Atlantique welcomed all the scientific partners of the Delmoges project to discuss the scientific progress of the project and make a first assessment at 6 months.

Governance committee


The Governance Committee met by videoconference to discuss Delmoges progress after 6 months.

CAPECET2 flight campaign

Golfe de Gascogne , France

The flight campaigns started the first week of January in the Bay of Biscay. The main objective of these surveys is to monitor the distribution, abundance and use of the area by marine megafauna (marine mammals and birds) during the winter. To learn more, click here.