Kick-off Delmoges

La Rochelle Université La Rochelle, France

The Delmoges project has started and the kick-off meeting took place in the presence of all partners at La Rochelle University. You can watch these presentations again ici. For more information, see the press releases : sur le site de La Rochelle Université sur le site de l'Ifremer  

DelGOST Campaign

Golfe de Gascogne , France

Scientists from the Delmoges team went to sea on a 40-foot catamaran to collect samples for the project. After 3 weeks at sea, they were able to observe 8 species and perform blubber and skin biopsies on common dolphins. They also collected water samples for environmental DNA analysis and made acoustic recordings. To see photos […]

Delmoges Days

Nantes , France

Ifremer Nantes Atlantique welcomed all the scientific partners of the Delmoges project to discuss the scientific progress of the project and make a first assessment at 6 months.

Governance committee


The Governance Committee met by videoconference to discuss Delmoges progress after 6 months.